At Afro Care Adult Daycare, we offer adult daycare services in a supportive environment, enhancing physical and emotional well-being with personalized care.
Community Group Activities
We offer a diverse range of group activities that cater to various interests and abilities, such as dancing, bingo, multicultural celebrations, karaoke, storytelling time, family get-togethers and much more!
Our Meal Preparation services are designed to provide clients with nutritious meals and snacks that support their dietary needs and enhance their quality of life.
We provide reliable non-medical emergency transportion for appointments and other essential trips. We offer convenient pick-up and drop-off services, ensuring they arrive at our adult daycare center on time and safely return home at the end of the day.
Our community outdoor activities provide opportunities for clients to engage with nature, explore local attractions, and enjoy the company of friends. These activities include shopping, walking parks, picnics, eating out, museums, and community events.